The Hidden Value of AMCs eBook
Not all appraisal management companies are created equal – here’s what you need to know.
As with any industry, there are corrupt players who don’t play by the rules. This has resulted in a negative stereotype of all AMCs. The market continues to be fragmented, making it difficult for appraisers and lenders to differentiate good AMCs from bad ones. Sadly, bad AMCs give the entire population a bad rap. The general impression is that AMCs:
- Are greedy and keep too much of the appraisal fee
- Offer no value to the process
- Add to scope creep, requiring more work or status from appraisers
- Take money out of the appraiser’s pocket
- Are slow to pay
But while you may be nodding your head in agreement, you know deep down that some AMCs are different. The best AMCs actually deliver a lot of value – so how do you identify the good ones?
Find out by downloading our new eBook: “The Hidden Value of AMCs.” Just complete this short form to gain instant access to the eBook and feel free to share it with your colleagues.
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