Accurate Group 4th Quarter Technology Update from our CIO

Accurate Group 4th Quarter Technology Update from our CIO

We understand that technology plays a large role in our effectiveness as your vendor and increases our ability to make you and your operations a success.

Our goal is to be your most dependable provider.

For the 4th quarter, Accurate maintained 100% uptime on all client facing systems and interfaces.  For the full year of 2014 we delivered 99.99 % uptime.  Four nines represents a standard of dependability we are very proud to achieve.

While our technology infrastructure team is dedicated to support dependability and our commitment to secure your information,  our development staff is all about innovation and agile application development.  The ability to rapidly implement your requests and help you succeed in meeting your strategic roadmap is a core strength. In the 4th quarter we deployed over 40 new enhancements.

For an executive summary of our technology results for the past quarter, please review the dashboard below which summarizes the top 10 new enhancements to our appraisal management and title services technology, compliance activities and uptime statistics.

We highly prioritize our client’s technology requests.  If you have questions or ideas for enhancements please let your account manager or myself know.


Michael S. Cullen – Chief Information Officer


  1. Partnered with D+H Harland Financial Solutions to implement automated interfaces with two new lenders who use the Decision Pro LOS.  Accurate has a project team available to work with your LOS provider. Please contact us to set up a call to interface with your LOS.
  2. Partnered with RealEC to support a new streamlined certification process to enable a high volume home equity lender to successfully meet a mandated requirement to go live in Jan. 2015.
  3. We now provide clients and borrowers the appraiser’s photo.  A new self managing photo upload feature was added to the Archer™ appraisal management portal.  This safety feature will allow borrowers to understand exactly who is entering their home.  We include the photo with an introduction email of the appraiser to the borrower or the real estate agent.   The photo introduction can also shorten and improve the appointment process.
  4. Completed multiple appraisal assignment enhancements to enhance compliance.  AIM-E is Accurate’s robotic processor who impartially selects the best appraiser based on algorithms that ensure quality, service and compliance. AIM-E is constantly getting smarter due to continuing enhancements regarding lender’s “do not use” exclusionary lists, increased knowledge of FHA certification requirements, and detailed appraiser performance scores down to a granular level.
  5. At the request of a growing commercial title client we enhanced the Archer™ order page to add input fields to collect specific information for commercial loans.
  6. We enhanced the Archer™ order page to accept a standard MISMO 2.6 GSE XML appraisal file.  This additional feature allows lenders to order the automated review of appraisals not directly managed by Accurate and broadens our valuation managed services capabilities by allowing us to review other AMCs work.
  7. Improved the look and functionality of order status communications delivered by the Archer order management platform. Previously all status email was formatted as plain text.  This enhancement uses an upgraded HTML format with individual signatures while always remaining backward compatibility with all existing client and vendor interfaces that only support text formats.
  8. Improved the support of FNC’s proprietary appraisal file types. Accurate and FNC worked together to support the triggering of our automated compliance review rules on appraisal upload for FNC’s proprietary ENV file types in addition to standard MISMO file types.  This will reduce defect rates and turn-time for our FNC clients.
  9. Deployed additional appraisal automation to proactively confirm the property inspection event for our lender clients to improve communication and customer service.
  10. Added support for automatic ACH withdraws for e-recording transaction providers to streamline the recording of security instruments for our title clients.


Security:  There was yet another new security hole discovered in the 4th quarter. It’s name is POODLE and it was discovered by Google researchers. It’s not as serious as the recent Heartbleed and Shellshock vulnerabilities; however POODLE could allow an attacker to hijack an internet connection and take over your account without needing your password.  Accurate has taken appropriate action and made the required modifications to protect you from this vulnerability.

Security: The Archer™ portal has added security functionality that automatically sets a client’s username to be inactive after 60 days of inactivity.   This time period may be customized per client to modify the number of days.  Please contact customer service if this should be customized for your account.


4th Qtr Uptime


For more information on recent technology upgrades or to learn how you can benefit from our appraisal management, title services, home equity and real estate lending compliance expertise, contact Accurate Group today.


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